Here are the TOP 7 reasons January is the best month to sell!
- Many buyers make the decision over Christmas/New Year that they need to upsize or downsize – I guess it’s like a New Years resolution of sorts when they have time to reflect and make decisions.
- There are many buyers that are pre approved from late 2019 that were not able to secure a house before Christmas. Their finance pre-approval lasts 3 months so they will be keen to secure a house in the New Year so they don’t need to reapply for finance.
- Historically January Auction clearance rates are the highest of all months.
- Stock levels are low in January as most sellers/agents won’t start marketing until late January or early February. This means you’ll have very little competition amongst a pool of buyers. February also sees a rush of buyers come on the market so there will be plenty of other homes on the market which you’ll compete with in February.
- Statistics from show that Christmas/New Year has the highest number of online traffic.
- Our open home numbers have always proven to be very healthy in January – often some of the highest numbers through opens of the year.
- As a seller it might be a good idea to get your home ready for sale prior to Christmas, or at least get photos taken now so that the heat of summer does not wreck your garden. It also means you can relax over Christmas and we can get your home online end December/1st January with minimal fuss.
Traditionally many agents don’t start their campaigns until late January or early February. We think this is a wasted opportunity!
Our team at Ray White Croydon will therefore be holding In Room Auctions on 23rd January at our offices in Main St, Croydon 5.30pm. We will have limited number of Auction spots available so it’s important that if you’re interested, you contact myself or one of our team as soon as possible. We already have 4 Auctions booked – so you will need to get in quickly if you’re interested. Alternatively we will also be conducting on site Auctions during January. Please contact me direct on 0408 585 319 or one of my experienced team on 9725 7444.